• "If I were a professor teaching Business, Sell Like A Lady: How to Master Sales with Dignity, Class & Grace would be incorporated into my curriculum!"

    "So often budding entrepreneurs are told to learn business principles and concepts, study the greats, focus on business models, and seldom is developing an entrepreneurial mindset advised (especially not from a woman's perspective).

    As a woman who has recently entered the world of business, Sell Like A Lady has done me a great service. Dr. Nadia Brown does an effortless job emphasizing and statistically proving the importance of cultivating and leading with a businesswoman mindset. Her clean writing has catalyzed my process of unlearning and reprogramming my mind around being a woman in the world of sales. To that, I am grateful!"

    — Ayanna F.

  • "Perspective is Everything! This is really more than a book about sales - how does your mindset show up?"

    “After reading this I feel like I have a pocket-sized Dr. Nadia who I can bring into any sales conversation with confidence, and clarity, and also be amazingly feminine while showing up for the people to who you are called.

    Dr. Nadia Reminded me :

    -Allow your No's to Empower you,

    - We could do it all by ourselves but Girl Share the wealth and it will make for one Non-Exhausted Business owner

    - Who Runs the world? Ladies so why not show up in our full Feminine power and Build Relationships!

    This is the book for us by someone like us. Dr. Nadia takes us through her Journey from literally hating sales and shows us if she can do it so can we. Dr. Nadia takes us through her formula and ignites us to care, build, and make our business about the people! I’ve walked away more confident and secure knowing that it’s really not about being in the business of sales, but being about the business of People!

    I'm fully empowered to Sell Like a lady.”

    — Dionna M.

  • "Finally a book that addresses sales absent of the patriarchal culture we live in."

    “This book is filled with gems and it completely turns the "traditional" selling model on its head. I love how Dr. Nadia talks about the importance of building relationships. That takes more time and it's oh so worth it. It's also important to not be caught up in desperation and a strong sense of lack. She so eloquently speaks to the importance of being able to let people go in the selling processes and to NOT sell them.

    This book is written so well and in such a heartfelt authentic way. If you are using sales in your business you need to read this book. Let me also add that this book goes deeper than that for me. It can truly help you in all your relationships in your life by following Dr. Nadia's lead.

    Lastly I love how she dismantles the "charge what your worth" paradigm. It totally allows the reader to take a nice deep breath and to see sales in an entirely new and far more appealing way.”

    — Marti M.

  • "This book is a must have for every woman in business. Honestly, I would say every woman in corporate America."

    “[Sell Like a Lady] teaches how to take the stigma away from sells overall. Rather that be selling your services, product, yourself, or your ideas! From the very beginning of the book, I felt empowered and put at ease that Dr. Nadia clearly demystified traditional sales tactics most of us are uncomfortable with.

    I have personally worked with Dr. Nadia for sales tactics and she is a game changer! I was personally reminded to go back and look at my sales playbook from her! Her strategies are tried and true! If this book had a lyric it would be “to all the ladies in the place with style & grace”…let’s get these sales ladies!

    — Lauren M.

  • "After reading this book, I have a ritual and process for sales calls that nurtures me, respects the prospect, and allows for both of us to have an honest conversation without any urgency or ick."

    There were so many blocks that I had when it came to sales. I would get an actual ick-heavy feeling when I would think about it, so avoidance became my go-to. I would stumble all over my words due to lack of confidence, keeping me from asking for the sale. Making assumptions that the prospect couldn’t afford it, thus giving advice and serving them for free. Following someone else's sure-fire sales script felt off - the words made sense but I found I wasn’t listening as much as I was finding out the script instructed me to do next.

    Sell Like a Lady addresses the reason I was feeling that way and how to make small pivots. How to shift the idea that selling is something I do to someone else, to it being a collaboration. Where I focus on relationship building and respect, rather than simply closing the sale. After reading the book, I have a ritual and process for sales calls that nurtures me, respects the prospect, and allows for both of us to have an honest conversation without any urgency or ick.

    This book addresses mindset and provides actionable steps to help you make small focused changes to create a system that feels more uniquely you. Buying this book is saying yes to yourself and defining success your way.”

    — Connie V.

  • "Here is something big that I discovered, we are all in sales and selling goods, services, or our abilities every day. "

    As far back as I can remember I hated selling everything to include my Girl Scout cookies. I now have a new mindset to selling and sells. How scary this can be (sales), but I found a new approach to my thinking as I read this book.

    Dr. Nadia's book is eye-opening and so down-to-earth. I agree that fear of the unknown can cause one to limit themselves. Here is something big that I discovered, we are all in sales and selling goods, services, or our abilities every day.

    How profound is this we sell ourselves all the time, in business, in both professional and personal relationships, and even with our families. Just think about getting our kids to eat broccoli, or your spouse to love steamed or baked chicken when they were looking forward to hot crispy fried chicken instead.

    Thank you Dr. Nadia for showing me that sales and selling is inherited in everyday life.

    — Gail from sunny Florida.

  • "Dr Nadia’s book takes the old school way of looking at sales and turns it on its head to showcase the value, the integrity, and the service to a client or customer that sales can provide at its highest level."

    “I found the book to be extremely easy to read with innovative approaches and exercises to sharpen my sales skillset. As a money coach and mentor to women business owners, I see A LOT of women resisting sales because what has been traditionally modeled to them about sales. Sell Like A Lady is the book for taking your sales to the next level with dignity, class, and grace.”

    — Christine W.

  • "I love the practical, no-nonsense approach that Dr. Nadia uses."

    Sell Like A Lady: How to Master Sales with Dignity, Class & Grace was a refreshing read! As an avid consumer of books that help business owners succeed, this is one of the best I've read. I love the practical, no-nonsense approach that Dr. Nadia uses. You can tell she lives her advice and cares about women taking their sales to the next level. I look forward to implementing what I've learned.

    — April N.

  • "There is a foundation of liberation and empowerment infused into [Sell Like a Lady]."

    “One of my greatest takeaways from Sell Like A Lady is the reminder to separate the idea that I can charge what I'm worth from the actual value I provide to the marketplace. There is a foundation of liberation and empowerment infused into that reminder that women leaders can leverage to create the work opportunities of their dreams and to live life on their own terms.”

    — La’Vista J.

— Davonna W.

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